Saddle (Large) Solo for Vintage Motorcycle

Item number: FCM/A/0056

Vintage Motorcycle Replacement Saddle WITHOUT Springs (see Springs in Accessories for options)

A superior well constructed solo saddle which is suitable for a Vintage or Veteran motorcycle that was originally fitted with a Lycette or similar sprung saddle.

We know that it can often be hard to select the best saddle for your partcular motorcycle and unfortunately there were several makers supplying slightly different sizes. As a rough guide it is often the width of the seat pan that dictates whether the original saddle is considered to be large or small. This saddle fits into the Medium/Large category and is based on/suitable for a Norton Model 18 or ES2. It may also be suitable for othe makes so studdy the photos and dimensions.

Background to assist in identification

During the early and middle 1900s Many saddle makers such as Brooks, Terry and Lycette manufactured saddles for Veteran and Vintage motorcycles. The vintage solo saddles of the late 1920s and 1930s were similar externally although those from the 1920s still had a saddle stem that fitted into the frame with an internal hinged spring.


To assist the third image shows the underside sprung frame of the saddle. Please refer to this image when viewing the Frame dimensions.

Please also note that the overall dimensions are somewhat approximate because they include the cover.

We have found our customers often don't require springs, so to reduce costs, this item is supplied without springs.  Select a range of springs in Accessories.


Seat Dimensions WITH cover:

(A) Length Front/Back: 35cm

(B) Width, at widest part: 40 cm

(C) Width Spring Mounts See image 4 10cm from edge then 2cm from first to second & second to third hole (centres)